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Our collective nowadays does much more than online events! We put on sell-out pop-up strip nights - including our flagship event, Underground; we collaborate with other collectives such as the DJs Queer House Party to host banging and smoking hot club nights; we perform and talk at music festivals, such as Latitude and South by Southwest. We are - and welcome - former and current sex workers of all stripes and, as a workers’ co-op, we aim to share profits fairly between us, as well as channelling them back into our organising activities.

As sex workers unionised with United Sex Workers, we stand firmly against bosses, in favour of collective organising for better working conditions, and demand the full decriminalisation of all sex work for our rights and safety. We aim for all our events to be safer spaces, in which oppressive behaviours are not tolerated, and take concrete steps in order to achieve this. We are feminists, and we stand in opposition to the strain of self-proclaimed ‘radical feminism’ that denies us our voices, agency and rights. Sex work is real work - and to secure our rights and safety, we need decrim, now! We are available to talk to the media about sex work related issues and sex worker rights.


Cybertease began in 2020 as an online strip club, set up by a group of unionised strippers who were out of work due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Our hugely popular online events provided work for many sex workers of all kinds during the pandemic, and we still put them on now and again to this day. Our online events were - and remain - some of the funnest, hottest and most interactive sexy online events out there, if we don’t say so ourselves!
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